Schedules Tab

The tab allows you to set global parameters regarding use of the SendExceptionSchedule Action.


Retain Past Exception Schedules

This checkbox will retain the last XX number of exception schedules (individual time/values) in the past every time a new set of exception schedules are sent to a schedule object.  The number to retain are set in the field next to the checkbox.

Enabling this feature will require an extra read command prior to each schedule push so that previous schedules are available.

This option is not recommended since it adds unnecessary data to each command when schedules are pushed.  They can also cause a failure to download due to exceeding exception schedule limits that might be present in the controller.

Note: Any start schedule that occurs in the previous day from the matching stop schedule after midnight, will automatically generate a start schedule at midnight to retain the correct start output once time crosses midnight.

Enable Schedule Push Optimization

Starting in v1.5.2, schedule push optimization can be enabled.  Once enabled, after each schedule poll period, E2H will determine if a schedule push needs to take place for each SendExceptionScheduleAction.  A push will take place if one of these conditions are true:

1.  Current schedule state is different than the last pushed schedule state.  (Like re-sync of binary states)

2.  If any of the exception schedules for current schedule is different than the previously pushed schedules.  Comparison is done using a comparison window between current time and window comparison size (hrs).  Schedules beyond the range of the window are ignored.

3.  If number of hours since last push time of a schedule is greater than the minimum push frequency (hrs). 

If optimization is not enabled, all SendExceptionScheduleAction will be pushed at each event query poll or manual poll.  For a large number of zones, this option can create unnecessary BACnet traffic at each poll interval.  For this reason, it is recommended to enable push optimization.

  Field Name



Window Comparison Size (hrs)

Total number of hours of the schedule comparison window size.  If you are using optimal start in your HVAC system, this time needs to be greater than your maximum early start period.

Default = 24 hrs.  Maximum should not exceed default poll window size (24 hrs).

Minimum Push Frequency (hrs)

Minimum number of hours before full schedule push is required since the last push.  If push frequency is less than event poll frequency, push will occur with each event poll.

0=Disabled (push only occurs when schedule windows are different), default = 0.  Value should be < 24.

Restore Scheduled States on Startup

Checking this will preserve the last schedules states on shutdown and restore them upon startup.  This will prevent every scheduled action from sending upon startup unless the current schedules require a new schedule push.

Unchecking this will cause every scheduled action to be sent upon startup.

Default Schedule Settings:

These setting set the initial value of each new action created for the SendExceptionScheduleAction.  Each BACnet vendor and/or controller type may have different limits in available memory for scheduling.


  Field Name



Max Exception Schedule Limit

Total number of exception schedules to send at one time to a schedule object

0=No limit (default)

Not recommended to use the “retain history” option when this is > 0.

Max Daily Exception Schedule Limit

Total number of exception schedules to send in one single day to a schedule object

0=No limit (default)

Not recommended to use the “retain history” option when this is > 0.

*Initialize Midnight

Ensures that every scheduled day has an initial value at midnight

Default unchecked.

These default settings can be overridden individually for each action if needed.

*Initialize midnight should be checked if you are sending schedules to a schedule object that uses other sources for exceptions and/or weekly schedules at different priorities.  This will ensure that E2H will hold the schedule priority for the entire day.  If this is checked, at least one schedule will be generated each day (midnight off command).