After clicking on the Test Connection button in the setup window, a timeout message occurs after a period of time.
Possible Solutions:
• SmartService URL is incorrect. Verify the IP address/hostname and the port that is being used in IIS for the SmartService website.
• The SmartService server is blocking the port. Verify the firewall is off or there is a rule to allow that TCP port.
• The Events2HVAC server firewall is blocking communications to the SmartService
• There is a network device between the Events2HVAC server and the SmartService server that is blocking the port traffic.
• The SmartService website is not running. Verify SmartService server is running in IIS.
Note: If you are unable to resolve communication timeout issues, leave the SmartService URL field blank before you save the form. This will prevent further attempts to communicate and the delays before timeout that may cause the application to “hang” until the timeout occurs.