1. Verify that MSMQ is installed.
(Note: these steps for verification are not exactly as shown in Windows 7/2008, but should be similar)
a. Go to the Control Panel double click Administrative Tools.
b. Double click Computer Management.
c. Expand the Services and Applications item.
d. If you see Message Queuing in the list, then MSMQ is already installed. Verify that the Message Queuing service is running, by clicking on Services and verifying the service status.
e. If MSMQ is not installed, go to step #2.
2. Install MSMQ. (These steps are shown using Server 2008)
a. Go to the Control Panel in Windows and select Turn Windows features on or off.
b. Select Features in the Server Manager tree. Click Add Features.
c. Select Message Queueing à Message Queueing Server component.
d. Click Next for confirmation.
e. Click Install.
MSMQ security. In win 7 or server 2008 the default security
settings are usually sufficient. However, if you change the default
system (local system) credentials that are used to run the Events2HVAC_service windows
service, you must give those credentials full access to the Events2HVAC private
queue in MSMQ.
In computer management, right
click on events2hvacqueue, click properties. Add the new credentials to
the security tab and select full control.