Disabling 7 Day Schedules for Occupied Control

For this mode of control, Events2HVAC will disable 7-day schedules and will send both occupied and unoccupied mode and setpoints for each start and end of a scheduled event.  This control is similar to the XBus thermostat control where the thermostat switches only between Day (Occupied) and Night (Unoccupied) modes.

See UP32/RP32 Thermostat Non-Programmable Mode Setup for proper setup of thermostat.


-    Thermostat is controlled directly by Events2HVAC, ignoring any 7 day schedules.

-    Future backup schedule mode will allow thermostat to revert to a backup 7-day schedule in the case where communication to Events2HVAC is lost for a period of time.  (This is planned by NetworkThermostat at the time of this writing)


-    Thermostat doesn’t have any visual cues that indicate the thermostat’s 7 day schedules are disabled.  The thermostat web UI shows “Schedules Not Running”.

-    Thermostat doesn’t have any visual cues what mode it is currently running in (occupied or unoccupied).  You can overcome this by telling Events2HVAC to illuminate one of the LED’s on the top of the thermostat when in occupied mode.  See Optional Occupied Mode LED Assignment

-    The user can’t switch out of this mode and re-enable 7 day schedules on the thermostat or in the thermostat web UI.  This has to be released from within the Events2HVAC UI.

-    The user can’t manage the occupied and unoccupied setpoints for this mode from web or thermostat UI.  You can update the current state of the thermostat and override it.

-    When a special event or calendar event overrides the thermostat, when the special event finishes it does not restore the state/setpoints of the thermostat prior to starting the special event.  In Events2HVAC, the next change of state for an event will restore the correct state.


This option can only be used on UP/RP thermostats models with blue backlights.