Events2HVAC will command the thermostat to override with occupied settings. For events that are longer than the maximum override time, Events2HVAC will re-send additional overrides as needed to keep the thermostat in occupied mode. Once the event is finished, the override is released back to the schedules. You need to setup your thermostat schedules so that only the UNOCCUPIED settings are schedules.
See UP32/RP32 Thermostat Override Setup for proper setup of thermostat.
- User can see easily that the thermostat is overridden from the web UI and the thermostat
- Since Events2HVAC has to maintain state of the thermostat due to the maximum override timer, events that exceed the maximum override time must resend the override command for the duration of the event.
- 7 day programmable schedules cannot be utilized without interfering with UNOCCUPIED state after events are finished. Events2HVAC expects the thermostat to return to pre-programmed UNOCCUPIED settings maintained in one active schedule.
This option can be used on all UP/RP thermostats. For models that don’t have a blue backlight, the maximum override time is 8 hrs. For blue backlight models, the maximum override time is 24 hrs.