In the FMX, you can define buildings, resources and locations. FMX doesn’t have built-in attribute that identifies resources as physical rooms. Therefore, Events2HVAC will try to only return resources that have these parameters:
• It is “Schedulable”
• It does not have a “Quantity” field. (e.g. “Chairs” resource has a “Quantity” that can be scheduled)
This won’t eliminate all non-room resources that show up as rooms in Events2HVAC.
Also, if you want Events2HVAC to use room area (sq-ft) and %occupancy metrics, you will need to add two custom fields for your resources:
• “Room Size” - (Area in square feet)
• “Room Capacity” - (Maximum people capacity - used to determine %occupancy for an event)
If any rooms are changed or added in FMX after you setup Events2HVAC, you will need to rebuild the room list in Events2HVAC so that the changes are seen.
See also: Rebuilding Room List