The list of rooms available in Events2HVAC is also compiled from your event provider database. From the Events menu, select Resources List or Room List (depending on your event provider) to view the list of event provider rooms.
The Resources or Room List will appear as shown below. Refer to the help section for your specific event provider for more information.
This list will show you what has been download and stored in the local room cache.
The following room information is editable from the list:
• Adjusted Size (sq-ft) - Allows user to adjust the size of the room if it is different from what is returned from the event provider. The room size is used for baseline metric calculations.
• Is Excluded - Flag to exclude the room from use in Events2HVAC
The following group information can be edited from the list:
• Campus Name
• Building Name
Rebuild Button
This will initiate a discovery of rooms from the event provider. See Rebuilding a Room List
Export Button
The Export button allows you to export the room data to a flat file.
Show All Groups
If this is unchecked, only the groups that have the event providers rooms under them will be shown.
Check this to show all groups from other event providers and any groups in the current event provider that do not have any rooms as children.
Show Excluded Rooms
Checking this will show any rooms that were manually excluded from use within Events2HVAC.
Excluded rooms will be displayed with grey text with a
strikethrough. (e.g. disabled)