The subscription selections determine which of the reports
the selected user will receive. To enable emails, see Events2HVAC Options >
Below is the list of available reports:
•Daily Event
A PDF copy of the Daily Event Report is generated and
emailed to the user daily.
•Daily Equipment Commands
A PDF copy of the Daily Equipment Commands Report is
generated and emailed to the user daily.
•Daily Security
A PDF copy of the Daily Security Commands Report is
generated and emailed to the user daily.
•Daily HVAC
A PDF copy of the Daily HVAC Commands Report is generated
and emailed to the user daily
•Fatal Error
An email report is sent to the user for each error that is
considered FATAL. A fatal error is an error that causes the failure of the
Events2HVAC Windows service. A fatal error will prevent any and all equipment
commands from being executed on schedule. This type of error should be handled
immediately, and an error report should be sent to the Streamside Solutions
support team.
Example Fatal Error: Service failed to start or shutdown
An email report is sent to the user for each error
generated that is considered a general error. The severity of the error can
vary, however it still should be investigated promptly.
Example Errors:
Command timeout, controller offline, polling errors, schedules missed
An email report is sent to the user for each error
generated that is considered a warning (low-level). The severity of the warning
can vary and may not require any action is some cases. Activating this
subscription can result in verbose messaging to the designated email
Example Warnings: Service shutdown and return to normal
Important: You must have email SMTP notifications setup in order to receive email notifications and reports. It is critical that at least one user is receiving notifications on failures, missed schedules, etc.