Resources List

Selecting Resources List from the Events menu provides a list of all rooms from the Google Calendar server. 

Google personal calendars currently don’t have a way to associate a building to a room calendar like GSuite Resources does.  In order for Events2HVAC to assign a building to a room, you will need to add the metadata text “{bldgName:xxxxx}” to the room calendar descriptions in calendar settings.

Note: Setup Time, Teardown Time, and Size columns are not used in Google Calendar and will show up as 0.  Capacity will show up as 0 unless metadata {capacity:xx} is added to the room resource or personal calendar description

If you change resources (add rooms, change names, etc), you must rebuild the room list by clicking on the “Rebuild” button.  This will grab a fresh copy from Google.

Refer to the following sections of the Navigation Help section:

      Reservation Calendar (Event Calendar)

      Reservation List (Event List)

      Spaces List (Room List)