Importer Workflow

Since the Schedule Importer method of inputting reservation information is a manual process, it is important to establish standard methods of creation for your import CSV file as well as a consistent pattern for importing the data.

Initial Setup Workflow:

1.  Export room and schedule data in the required CSV format.

a.  Event Information

b.  Room Information

c.  CSV Column Mapping

2.  Test the data to make sure it imports into E2H without errors

3.  Manually enable and enter any event status information if necessary.

4.  Manually enable and enter any event function information if necessary.

5.  After rooms have been successfully imported into E2H, you can start assigning equipment actions to rooms.

6.  Make sure you have selected an automatic event query update rate in the Events2HVAC setup options

General Process Workflow:

1.  Export the events for at least 24 hours from the current time.  To account for any in-progress events or events that have completed that may affect future events (e.g. events with post-stop times or min stop gap times) you should include past events so there is some overlap from the current time.  More time might be necessary to keep events available as a buffer in case there is a delay in manually importing the next set of data.

2.  E2H user runs the Import Event Wizard and imports the CSV file created in item 1.

3.  E2H user verifies the imported entries and submits the new items to be scheduled in the command queue.

4.  Repeat item 1 prior to latest scheduled time of the reservations (from last import of schedules).

Each exported query should always include the events from the same scope of rooms so that all existing events are updated correctly.

Updating (Importing) Events

Once you’ve imported your initial event file, any subsequence imports must include the same scope of room/events.  That is, you can’t import only events for changed rooms or a smaller subset of room events.  You must query all the rooms (or at least all the rooms being used in Events2HVAC).

Before each import, any existing events in local cache that fall within the same query range will be flagged.  After the import of events is completed, any matching events will be updated and new events will be inserted.  If any flagged local events were never updated, there status is set to “Unknown” and the record is considered “Missing or Deleted” and Events2HVAC will consider the schedule cancelled.